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Our Services

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What We


Lobbying & Advocacy

CapitalEdge provides clients with congressional relations services, maintaining regular contact with City’s congressional delegation and assuring their consideration of the priority issues and projects identified by the Mayor and City Council.  We initiate and pursue meetings, research, write reports, consult, and perform other activities on behalf of the City and will respond to requests for similar actions throughout the year. 


Grant Information

CapitalEdge communicates all relevant grant opportunities as they are announced and ensures that clients hava all the material and information needed to prepare and submit a successful grant application.  We know the federal grant process well and have contacts in all the federal urban agencies that make grants to local governments. Our clients have an impressive track record of success in securing increasingly competitive and rare federal grants.



CapitalEdge provides a steady flow of information to our clients about issues of importance to local governments and their agencies.  Our information focuses on highlighting the impact of federal policy on local government revenue and costs. 

​We will be available to local officials and staff will communicate with them to provide updates, request assistance, schedule meetings and discuss strategies.


Full Service D.C. Office

CapitalEdge serves as a full service office for cities in Washington D.C. We provide city officials visiting D.C. with all of the staffing and support that they would receive at city hall in Washington. We are our clients outpost, an office totally aligned with city priorities advocating for city interests in at the federal level. 

I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services. Let your customers review you and tell their friends how great you are.

Robb Walters

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